Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Make Fake Fronten von Pappe

Use cardboard fronts to improve your stage performances.

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Cardboard is a versatile material that lends itself well to the creation of false fronts for stage backgrounds. No stage show, is at home completely without a good facade whether for school or for entertaining family and friends. Whether the setting of a Western style is sedan, desert tundra or wall, can box as your canvas and create a scene, which helps your performance more credible look. You can also a cardboard front an imaginative spaces or fairy tale world a games room to create.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedMeasuring TapeCorrugated SheetsUtility KnifeElectrical TapeAcrylic paint2 of 4sWood cardboard glue or hotmelt and a hot-melt GunSuggest Edits1

Measure the area for which you want to create a cardboard front wall or stage. Choose your front should be as high. Let the end determine the height of the front; for example, if the finished front is a Western-style bar, measure you cardboard so it is about 4 feet high. When the front comes on a wall, you make it double, or 8 meters high.


Cut the carton on the length and height, you need the utility knife. Band-cardboard pieces together with electrical tape along all seams.


Paint box front on the object or scene you need covered with acrylic paint. Let dry colour overnight or for 12 hours.


Construct support front-end for the Board, while the paint dries. Cut a 2 by 4 wooden board to adjust the length of cardboard front. Line three additional 2 by 4 wooden boards perpendicular to the ends and middle of longer 2-by-4. The three vertical panels relating to long horizontal by hammering two size D wood nails by the horizontal bar at the end of the three vertical bars.


Section three additional 2-by-4 boards, achieving a diagonal from the ends of the three vertical panels on the back of a painted cardboard front. Beat two size D wood nails by the diagonal of Board their bases, where they meet the vertical boards.


Cut three final 2-by-4 boards and place them vertically between horizontal support and the diagonal support beams. Beat two size D wood nails through the tops of the vertical supports in the diagonal bar. Have help someone turn you support structure on the page, so you two nails through the bottom of the horizontal bar to hammer in the ends of three vertical beams size D wood.


Applies from a hot glue gun to the back of the cardboard the wood glue or hotmelt front, where it meets the wood support structure. Expect that the structure to keep cardboard fronts in place and prevent that they fall over during your performances.

Tips & warnings

If your cardboard front short, such as such as 10 meters or less, build only a vertical and diagonal of support beams in the middle of the horizontal support in contrast to three, which is more suitable for longer box fronts.

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