Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Stop Synchro Summons

Print this articleThe main gameplay elements of “Yu-Gi-Oh!” video and card games changed dramatically with the introduction of the 5Ds expansion series. The game designers added synchro summoning, the ability to combine two or more monsters onto your field into a single powerful creature, and powerful synchro monsters began to dominate the tournament scene. Whether you play the video or card version of the game, stopping synchro monsters remain a priority.

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Destroy opposing monsters to prevent the required materials for a fusion. Your opponent requires at least two monsters on the field to use a synchro summon. Spells such as Raigeki and traps suchas Mirror Force directly eliminate opposing threats. Alternatively, you can destroy any monster with the tuner attribute. Players must include at least one monster with the tuner attribute when summoning a synchro monster.


Play counter trap cards that negate special summons. The Horn of Heaven and Black Horn of Heaven cards prevent any special summon by destroying the summoned monster. This means that your opponent must still send her tuner monster and other monsters required to the graveyard, but then loses the summoned synchro monster as well.


Summon effect monsters with the ability to negate synchro summons. Thunder King Rai-Oh sacrifices itself to prevent special summons, including synchro summoning. The T.G. Halberd Cannon can negate any summon once per turn. This includes normal summons, fusion summons, special summons and synchro summoning.


Use the Royal Oppression continuous trap. Royal Oppression presents a possible hazard to both players as either may use it to prevent special summons by her opponent. This allows you to lock down an opponent’s special synchro monsters, but she may sacrifice 800 life points per monster to prevent your summons as well.

Tips & Warnings

Look for beneficial effects on cards with the ability to prevent summons. For example, T.G. Halberd Cannon can also prevent your opponent from drawing additional cards to quickly bring more tuner monsters into play.

Be careful with cards that prevent only one summon per turn. An opponent may use synchro summoning multiple times if she still has tuner monsters on the field.

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ReferencesYu-Gi-Oh!: Yu-Gi-Oh! English RulebookYu-Gi-Oh!: GameplayYu-Gi-Oh!: Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament PolicyResourcesYu-Gi-Oh!: Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card GamePojo: Yu-Gi-Oh! ForumsRead Next:

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How to Do a Bowling Ball Magic Trick

A colorful, lightweight ball provides ease of movement and appealing staging.

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Like classic stage illusions, this bowling ball magic trick has three parts. "The pledge" shows the audience something ordinary, an "empty" box. In "the turn," the magician makes the box do something extraordinary; it produce a silk scarf. The big finale is called "the prestige." The audience looks on in amazement as the box yields up a bowling ball.

The production box -- or flip box -- is an indispensable item in every magician's tool kit. It is a carefully crafted box with an overlapping hinged top and bottom. Nested under its lid is a second box and lid that are hidden from view. When deftly handled by a magician, the props he conceals in the box before the show are never glimpsed by the audience before it is time for their astounding appearance.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedA production box, at least 10 inches in all dimensionsSmall table, covered with black clothSilk scarfWandBowling ball, 7-pound maximum weightSuggest Edits1

Place the bowling ball in the load box of the production box lid before entering the stage. Place the production box on the table before the show starts.


Raise the curtain or walk on stage. Speak to the audience and do some warm-up tricks.


Approach the production box, gesture at it with your hand and say, "Here we have an ordinary box."


Grab the box by the handle and lift it up from the table. The lids are hinged at opposite corners so that as they open they will turn the box on its side accordion fashion. The audience now has a clear view through the box from the open top to the open bottom. Place the handle facing the audience so that the load box faces away from them.


Close the box by bringing the bottom upward. Closing the bottom first hides the load box when the top is closed. Close the top. Turn the box upright on the table. Accomplish the parts of the box-closing procedures in one fluid motion.


Tap the box with your wand and say, "Scarpho Presto!" Open the top and reach into the box. Release the load restraint, grab the scarf, and then pull it out with a flourish. Toss the scarf with a grand gesture. Close the box.


Tap the box with your wand and say, "Ballbolus Productus!" Pick up the box, walk toward the audience and release the bottom. It will fall open and drop the bowling ball, which will hit the floor with a resounding thud. As the ball falls, allow the box to reopen and bow dramatically to the audience. Time the bow to coincide with the bowling ball thump.

Tips & Warnings

A typical bowling ball is 8.5 inches in diameter. A larger production box with a good overlap helps hide the load box from the orchestra and wing seats.

Three ducks can be substituted for the bowling ball.

The wand is for misdirection. Point one way with it, while unlatching the bottom of the box with the other hand.

The bottom is hinged on the side that faces the audience and it falls down when the box is displayed as empty. The top is hinged on the side away from the audience with the handle side towards them.

Practice your ball release so that you do not bowl over anyone in row 1.

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ReferencesMastering Magic -100 Secrets of the Great Magicians; Walter B. GibsonMagic - Scientific Diversions and Stage Illusions; Albert A. Hopkins, et al.Magic and Conjuring; Walter GibsonEvery Magic Secret in the World Revealed; Marc LemezmaMagic Tricks; Tom OgdenDuke University: Demystifying the Green RoofWoodworkers Workshop: Production Magic Box Woodworking PlanPhoto Credit Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

How a MIME sketch

Costumes can play a role in a MIME sketch.

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An original MIME sketch allows an actor to show their skills and entertain your guests. The art of MIME is the silence. The traditional MIME tells a story without words. It uses expression and movement to link a message or to act. Create a skit for facial expressions depends on several factors, including time, space and the audience.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedPaperPencilSuggest Edits1

Make a list of your MIME skills. A MIME skills learned and practiced in the course of time to perfection. List all situational movements such as climbing a rope or against a wall.


Map your skills in a story. Sure exactly to, the list of capabilities. Imagine how they can fit together. For example, tells a wall hit, sitting and thinking idea and then a climbing rope come up with a an escape. You could reverse the actions to extend the story, and rise again in the box.


Add music, the sketch. For external performance, music may be not possible. Choose music for a staged performance to accompany the silent movements.


Enter into practice and the basic story. For example, is part of the story movement a way of thinking and then idea, repeat the movement several times with a negative head shake in between. Bump the wall can how tapping movements or extended actions such as trying to bottom and otherwise knock the wall lead. Use as many skills as possible to the basic story.

Tips & warnings

Consider a costume. While many mimes choose wear only black and white, a colorful costume should, if the story fits.

Not offend an audience. Keep suitable all movements and skills for each audience.

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Knitting silk singles

Print this ArticleOften associated with Asia, where they were created, is silk have been produced all over the world for centuries. America's first settlers attempted silk in Jamestown produce before abandoning in favor of the tobacco. In the years demand helped to silk and industrial production to deliver the masses. A favorite among knitters around the world make it the exquisite look and feel silk yarn, or "Singles,".

Relatives search: singles types of silk

"Singles" refers to all silk yarn, which consists of silk fibers, which was spun on a reel. As people or machines, the singles combine determines the type of yarn, which they produce. The most common types of silk make singles for cloth include organizing, tram and crepe yarn. Organize a stronger yarn as a tram produced. Crepe yarn must be incredibly hard shot, so that, when woven to produce the silk fibers swirl and crepe effect.

Homemade vs. made singles

Knitters knit singles want with silk they procure want to decide as they. The most obvious advantage of manufactured Silk's singles time. Knitters can turn dozens of hours of silk fibers in practical single beds spend. People who decide, their own silk singles at home spin but have the advantage of the adjustment. Instead of choosing from a selection of color swatches form of the manufacturer, they can create their own mixes. Some prefer spin from the fold, as opposed to short draw spinning, because fibres too many complications during short draw length of silk effects.

Those who knit singles with silk produce beautiful garments on the material can, however difficult, to work with. The challenge comes from the grain of silk single. If people against the grain knit the fibres of silk can search fraying and fuzzy. Frazzled silk is also less stable. The trick is knitting at the single from the first part, which was filmed. As a result, the material will go with the grain as it traverses the knitter finger.

Single pattern knit silk

Silk calls usually into the clothing knitted, how smooth due to the it feels against your skin. Often, you choose a versatile piece of clothing, such as a cowl knitting, which can be worn around the head or neck several ways. Others choose knit scarves, because the patterns are simple. Knitters with a lot of time on their hands and silk can make larger projects such as such as cardigans. Although time consuming, can knit a major project of silk singles be more fun for the knitter because the sensation of working with smooth silk instead of coarse wool.

ReferencesSmith College: Northampton silk project - silk in ConnecticutRead continue:

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What is a MIME format in an email?

MIME-formatted E-mail may contain other types of data in a message, such as multimedia elements.

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Basic Internet e mail protocol called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP, supports only the transfer of 7-bit ASCII-characters. This limits the size and the types of messages that can be sent. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or MIME shortly, outperforms SMTP this that contain e-Mail messages to multiple objects, and 8-bit binary data. MIME is only limited by the ability of special Web-browser to decrypt the content.

Similar keywords: definition

MIME is enforced an encoding standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force, or IETF. MIME extends SMTP binary data by memory the transmission of multimedia and other ASCII format. This is done by using MIME types with markup tags describing the content of the document.

How it works

In General has the sender e-Mail program MIME types and subtypes to an e-Mail message. The recipient's E-Mail program uses a default set of document tabs to decrypt the message. As each item is decoded, depends on the type of Internet browser installed on the recipient's computer. Get decode different schemas Web browser, although most will contain items, HTML Hypertext Transfer Protocol are common. Non-text elements use the base-64 encoding scheme.

MIME requirements

MIME-formatted e-Mail messages contain a header and body. The header is stored information about the MIME-version and data types. The body of the MIME message is optional, and can include four elements. The first is the content-type, indicating the type and subtype of data contained. Next defined content-transfer-header encoding, as e-Mail software will be to convert the data in the e-Mail. The content-disposition header are encoded the content types in the message. Finally, the content ID identification information provides multipart e-Mail message.

MIME types and subtypes

MIME types and subtypes are the components that can contain users in an e-Mail. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA has 10 binary data types, such as application, audio, example, image, message, model, multipart, text and video defined. Sub-types describing the characteristics of each binary. For example, "Plain" or "HTML" further describes the MIME type "Text".

ReferencesMicrosoft-press computer dictionary, third edition; Microsoft Press; 1997Hunny-Software: the MIME information StartseiteWir MIME and content conversion in Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003Internet assigned numbers authority: MIME media TypesResourcesNetwork world: the MIME types: how E-Mail forever changed two Internet gurus; Jon BrodkinPhoto credit Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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As one cute punk rocker clothing at home

Punk rock clothing brackets are fishing nets and combat boots.

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If you decide you like the punk rock style, but have no money for a whole new wardrobe, transform you, the clothes you already have. Copy, cut and decorate your clothes with silver rivets go a long way to the made it look like more punk. Transform your wardrobe with the help of a few cheap punk rock accessories. A trip to your local chain store ideas and record store sew for T-shirts and patches need Association punk in a very short time.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedSafety PinsBlack ElasticNeedle and ThreadScissorsPyramid StudsSuggest Edits1

RIP several large holes in a pair of fishnet tights and wear them under a minipill or truncated black Jean shorts. Attract the tights, and then your finger in two of the holes FishNet hook. Drag the holes of each other away to tear the threads between them.


PIN safety pins in T-shirts, jeans and sweater. Make safety pin bracelets by sewing the ends of a piece of black elastic open pins and close them all around the rubber band. Fill the entire band, with safety pins, then drag it to your wrist and your hand carry.


Cut your T-shirts. The quintessential punk T-shirt is black, adorned with the name of a punk band and be destroyed with scissors. You cut the neckband, arm bands and bottom separator bar the shirt, routes you are out the neck and wear the shirt so that it falls your shoulder. As an alternative, make a vertical cut and several smaller horizontal cuts on the back of the shirt then you pull together the horizontal stripes and bind them in knots to keep the shirt on your body.


Sew you patches on your jeans or jackets. Punk music stores often sell cloth patches with names and logos of punk bands. Use embroidery thread, the patches by hand sew on DIY look for a rough, black.


Connect metal studs on jeans, belts, shoes, wrist cuffs and everything else, that they accept. Select silver pyramid studs for a classic punk look.

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How to clean a sieve on a faucet AquaSource

Use vinegar to a faucet to clean screens.

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A AquaSource faucet line strainer is located within the aerator. The rain flap holding debris such as sand out of his way through the valve, which in turn prevents you taking it. In the course of time, or if an outer pipe be repaired, a larger amount of dirt can its way through the water system and into your faucet. Large amounts of dirt are to catch on the sieve and prevent or slow down the flow of water. How to remove the ventilator and cleaning sieve will solve this problem.

Related queries: difficulty: EasyInstructions things you'll NeedPliersClothDistilled white VinegarSuggest Edits1

Examine the faucet spout, aerator, find the round shape and is situated at the point where water flows out.


Drape a thin piece of cloth over the pliers jaw and teeth and add it to the aerator. Verify that the cloth between the pincer teeth and the aerator is clamped, so that the teeth make material characters in the tap.


By turning in a clockwise direction with the tongs, remove the frit. Stop using the pliers as soon as the frit, is loose enough to turn by hand. Threaded aerators the rest of the way by hand, until it comes out of the faucet body.


Sack finger through the frit in removing components. Rinse sieve with water to remove large debris. Soft screen and the other components of the aerators in distilled white vinegar, if they have calcium deposits.


Once again you build it, the clean aerators and thread back on the faucet body. Drag the frit with the pliers and cloth. Test faucet by turning on the water.

ReferencesFind n choose: faucet aerators sieve ScreenThis old House: such as fittings and drain photo credit Hemera Technologies/ ImagesRead continue to repair:

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Circus performer makeup ideas

Circus makeup offers a larger-than-life quality of service.

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Circus performer makeup is indispensable for boosting the sense of fantasy and magic to every show. Make-up helps a fantasy-based Wesen--a fairy or spirit, such as the appearance of a standard turn exporting. Keep in mind that circus makeup not is a performer to see younger or older; rather to improve effect to stunning their natural conditions.

Similar keywords: fat

Bold make-up is a cornerstone for successful circus performances. Application bright and bold make-up-allows you for example together with false eyelashes,-observer sit in your natural properties without seeing effort sit back in the tent. Heavy cosmetics to protect your face from the intensity of the circus ring lights. The reflective quality of makeup is more likely that your face and body of all in the set are considered.

Fairy tale

Painting your face with fairy tale qualities gives your body energy and Angel attribute. Expand eyeliner in a horizontal way out from the corners of your eyes can create such as the enchanted flower vines. Covering the lid of the eye with purple eyeliner is purple flowers and flower buds that "Blossom" improve every vine from the. Curl up the vines on the forehead and cheeks eye make-up with your face decoration merge.


Cast of your attachments in animal skin is possible with stage make-up. Fitting the spotted Cheetah pattern of your shirt, for example, to an identical outline on your face gives the impression that are body and make up part of the same "skin". Coating your lips and fingernails, or with black lipstick and Polish, while yellow and orange, shading extends your hands and feet with colors the animal transformation in all attachments.


Headband, arcs, and hair ties are for long locks of cast and keep draping in your eyes. Coating hair with mousse or gel contains a robust and rigid hold, so they reflective in the highlights. Matching your bow with the pattern of a body suit, for example, or the shimmering qualities of face glitter helps your hair with the overall look for your makeup, intending to merge.

Reference circus 4 youth: circus costumes and make-up make-up notebook: fairy make-up photo credit Hemera Technologies/ ImagesRead continue:

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Friday, December 9, 2011

How to get a celebrity spokesperson for a non-profit

Donations to your nonprofit bring a prominent endorsement.

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For many nonprofits, a celebrity is just the boost you need the to gain visibility for their cause and to raise funds confirmation. Obtaining is however not an easy one. The larger the celebrity, the more difficult is it to their services to get, especially, if you no nationwide organisation. Their nonprofit small and localized, you concentrate the best best on prominent, that are in your region. Spokesman requires either way, patience, endurance and excellent pitching skills get a celebrity.

Related queries: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things you'll NeedPress KitSuggest Edits1

Focus a celebrity who would be at best your cause to look after. Research celebrities to find that may have a personal connection for your needs. For example, if single parents support your non-profit, in single-parent household spoken focus on celebrities, their struggles growing up. Always you on celebrities who have a tie for your non-profit area, try if it not national.


Consult the Manager or management of celebrity. If you do not already have this number you contact information have can find through their official website.


Several times to call before you expect by someone. Everyone is always trying, in contact with a celebrity for something, and the Manager is very busy. The reception can be not ready, a stressed-out Manager pass along your request, or ask you to call back another day.


Create a relationship with a kind of reception. You can delete with a reception, but a large management company have more than one, and you lucky with cooperative receptionist. He can again call you to keep, but at least he's willing to listen and to pass on your message to the Manager. Be friendly and concentrated in call only, if you know that he is.


About your nonprofit, send materials or a press kit to the Office. You can use it specifically for the cooperative receptionist address, so that it will be thrown with the other applications do not, the celebrity gets. Telephone follow up to ensure that the packet was received.


Prepare your site for the case of the celebrity management team calls you. She should briefly and succinctly answer all your questions and explain why this celebrity would be an ideal spokesperson for your nonprofit.


Negotiating the recognition with. If the celebrity obliged, your non-profit sponsor, must with the management to find out, what he and what is not, and when he will be available to do so. Some celebrities works only for a fee, even if you non-profits, so consider that as well. You have to travel also hotels and accommodation for him.

Tips & warnings

Use all the personal connections you or someone you know may have a celebrity, to contact the person directly.

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ResourcesFundraiser insight: How one online visibility for your charitable non-profit FundraiserThe quarterly: home page photo credit JUPITERIMAGES/ComStock/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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How to build a puppet ventriloquist high-motion

This ArticleA must print to show, the art of ventriloquism ventriloquist dummy non-realistic. You can use your own ventriloquist dummy puppet head, with which you move the eyes and mouth, as you the art of "send" your voice on an inanimate object that speak a human being is imitation. Supplies from a hardware store, a hobby shop and a beauty saloon will be required, such as tools, which are often found in most homes. Not any special skills requires the dummy.

Relatives search: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things youll Needham Mannequin dummy head4 metal rods, 1/2-inch diameter, 10-inch long eachRulerPencil2 shake student EyeballsBonding GlueChattering TeethWig, short or long HairedSuggest Edits1

Was the mannequin dummy head on a desktop with the in front of you to. Press a metal rod through the parts of the manikin's head, where the two orbits are located. Stop pushing the bar when it exits from the other side. Rotate the rod a dozen times in a clockwise direction around each hole above pulls it enlarge of the manikin's head.


Measure the width of indentation of the mouth on the head. Make a point on the halfway mark on the top and bottom of the Indent. Push the metal rod through each point until it exits from the rear. Rotate the rod a dozen times in a clockwise direction around each hole above pulls it enlarge of the manikin's head.


Placing the two eyeballs on a surface with the "shake" students down. You stick glue to the back of each eyeball. Press one end of one of the wires against the back of the eyeballs. Keep the wire end against the eyeball for two minutes. Repeat this process with a different wire and the other eye.


You set up the "toys" teeth of the desktop with the back of you used to. A DAB paste Wenden sticking to the top in the middle of the teeth. Put an end to one of the wires against bonded at the beginning. Keep the cable against the teeth for two minutes. Rotate the teeth and repeat the process with a different wire just completed. Let the glue set overnight.


Press on the wires connected each eyeball by one of the two holes in the part of the manikin's head. Stop you push the wire by when it exits from the rear.


Press the wires at the top and bottom edges of the teeth by the corresponding holes in the head. Stop the wires move out when they close out the back. The manikin's head cut the cable closest to a vertical channel of and below the wire closest to the dummy of neck with a knife.


Apply glue glue on the inside of the wig, which is placed on the head. a short-haired wig when the dummy is a boy and a long-haired wig when the dummy is a girl. Put the wig on the manikin's head and press down. Keep the wig against the head for two minutes. Let the glue set overnight.


Press the eyes and teeth against the manikin's head. Testing of the movement, that you do with them can move to track the wires for the eyeballs, is what aimed at his head back and forth and the wires going up and down for the teeth to open and close.

Tips & warnings

You can add the head before the features color.

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How to look like Justin Bieber for Halloween

Print this ArticleJustin Bieber is one of the most famous teen idols in pop culture, and as such makes a simple person to dress up as for Halloween. His wardrobe is quite simple, so that you might not even need to buy something to dress up as Justin Bieber. The most important part which clothes to get perfect hair, because that is its most important feature.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate things you'll NeedCombBlow DryerHair StraightenerTight fitting straight leg of male JeansColored T-ShirtZip up HoodieSneakersSunglassesMicrophoneSuggest Edits1 EasyInstructions

Wash you your hair and combing them with your bangs hovers over the forehead and swooping on the right side of the face.


Föhnen your hair with a comb to keep your pony swooping to the right. If your hair is curly and use not drying you a hair straighteners to Bieber hair look like to get.


Buy a wig and wear it if your hair is not the correct length for the Justin Bieber look. Are looking for a wig Bieber style or get a wig with long hair and scissors and Hairspray to make it look like his hair.


You wear a plain T-shirt, a zipper Hoodie zipped up about two-thirds of way, a few young style, pretty tight-fitting jeans and sneakers basic young. If you want to wear a certain Bieber look, you will find clothing, sees what he wears in a music video or a certain slide.


Accessories for a pair of sunglasses and a microphone.

Tips & warnings

If you have some female friends that help you with your costume want, have it Justin Bieber fan T-shirts carry and follow you scream and swoon.

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How to make a comedy headshot

Comedians need a headshot country help fast food concerts.

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As with the actors, comedians often need a headshot if auditions for films, TV shows and stand up spots. Arsenal there is a key part of your self marketing, how often producers and directors a specific look can be searched. Make sure that it is professionally-looking; a bad headshot take automatically of the running for this concert you dying to get.

Searches: Difficulty: ModerateInstructions things you'll NeedCameraSuggest Edits1 related

Ask you your comedian friends where they have made their headshots, especially when you see that one of them has a headshot, you really like. You may be able to you some leads to give, and it's a bonus if you know that the photographer can be trusted. Otherwise you can go search some research over the Internet to do.


Win the services of a professional photographer if you can afford to drop several hundred dollars for their services; even better is if the photographer specializing in headshots for comedians. Perhaps you have a photographer friend or someone at an art school know photography program is registered. It is important that she have a high-quality camera.


Choose a location for the photos. Often taken headshots in a Studio on simple background are, but you can anywhere else if you have access to one. Remember that the photo is framed next to your face so the background will show not much thinking.


Dress to impress; You look as possible for your headshot and so prepared. Wear clothes that represents your personality, but the disruptive pattern and accessories veer. Find a professional make-up artist, if you have the budget for one, and don't exaggerate the makeup.


Do you have the photographer take several different pictures, so that you more to choose from. The photos should be close to your face; Sometimes, you may you show off your shoulders. According to headshot photographer of Michael CALAS, "the most important, to convey a headshot"

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How to build a light background on a stage for children

Light background cut to look like leaves add depth to a stage.

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Foam is core the best material for building easily staging children's performances. You can find it in most offices or art supply stores. Alternatively, you could special order large 8 by 10-foot leaves if your local suppliers of this size Creative Commons does not. The material cuts easily and accepts color as well as poster board. This light is less stable than wood, so you talk to children about his carefully close the background perform.

Related searches: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things you'll NeedFoam core BoardPencilAcrylic PaintsPaintbrushesMat KnifeMeasuring tape2 by 6-inch LumberCircular sawDrill1/8-inch drill of bit Phillips screwdriver head bit1/4-inch washers1 cm wood screws1/2-inch drill BitWood glue1/2-inch diameter dowels2-inch of width gaffer's tapeSandbags3-inch screws (optional) make Edits1

Layout your substrate foam on the ground and outline the contours of the landscape, that you want such as buildings or shrubs. If your landscape occupies several sheets of foam core, they put one another so that you can constantly sketching, but together bring not the foam core at this point.


Its landscape as wished to paint with acrylic paints. Keep as possible to prevent the distorting foam backing material your colors and brushes so dry. Bright primary colors work best for children theatre productions.


Enable the boards dry completely when the you lie flat on the ground. This minimizes also forgiven.


Along at the top of the area with a mat remove cutting knife cutter or utility knife, any foam core, you do not want. For example, if your picturesque scenery consists of buildings, you cut the shapes of the buildings create a skyline. Shrubs and trees are cut to the foliage the background of an irregular shape that is less disruptive as the slanted head.


The number of foam core boards that you draw.


Select your 2-by 6 inch lumber in 1-foot segments and you use a circular saw, cut two 1-foot segments for each painted foam core. Have cards more than 6 meters long, cut instead of three pieces of plywood by two for these parts.


Their first piece of foam core upright and place at each end, a plywood segment along the back parallel to your foam core. Plywood set, so that thinner edge along the foam core is located. The wider face should lie along the ground.


Drill a hole through the foam core and into the plywood from the front with a 1/8-inch drill. Put a metal washing machine before this hole and take a 1-inch wood screw through the foam core, to secure something to the wood with Phillips head driver.


To secure drilling and two screws and washers of the plywood segment. The washers help who heads by dragging foam backing material in place without the screw.


Repeat the operation for all your landscape to each piece has at least two wooden "feet" on the back.


Drill a 1/2-inch hole about 3/4 inch deep in the forest "Foot" behind all parts of the landscape of 4 metres. The hole should be separate as close as possible the edge of the wood on the foam core without.


Put a dollop wood glue into the hole, and put a 1/2-inch diameter wooden dowel into the hole a vertical support form for your landscape.


Add as many plugs needed set pieces greater support. Band of the plugs on the back of the foam core with gaffer's tape or screws you the foam core in the plugs from the front, 1/2 inch wood screws with.


DAB paint on your screw heads and washers they harmoniously in your scenic painting.


Set the landscape piece along the desired place for the performance stage.


Put sandbags or stage weights on each "foot", to keep the landscape position. If your stage allows, you can screw the feet on the ground with 3-inch screws instead of weights.

Tips & warnings

Call your local fire marshal to find out, whether you flame-your foam substrate must handle for fire protection. Acrylic flame-retardant properties add to the landscape, but requirements vary depending on the location and placement of foam core Board on the stage. If necessary, flame retardant fluid from a theatrical supply store purchase your landscape with it in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer's coat.

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My Whirlpool Duet dryer makes the clothes smell burned

Print this ArticleClothes, which is smell burned after a dry cycle end picked up probably have the smell of lint fires that have occurred in your dryer. Lint-free fire are possible when the dryer vent with lint-free is overused. The continuous hot air in your jacuzzi duo dryer while a routine cycle is lint-free often ignite, has accumulated in the dryer vent. Hold the dryer withdrawal free of dirt can lint-free fire break out and transferred from a burnt smell prevent clothing, and it can also help to avoid fire seriously lint-free.

Relatives search: lint filter

A Whirlpool Duet hairdryer has a lint filter or screen, the lint from clothing. But if the case is clogged, lingering in the drum where it is exposed temperatures that can ignite it can lint-free. Void regularly is the case the case to make sure, clear and functional. Clean the trap after each load.

Dryer vent

Your Whirlpool Duet of dryer cycles constantly hot air in and out of the drum so that the dryer temperature remains relatively constant and the dryer not overheat. If the air with lint-free becomes blocked, however hindered air circulation and quickly raise the temperature in the drum can. The sudden escalation in temperature can scorch clothes and leave you with a burning smell. In addition, can ignite lint trapped in the shaft and produce small fire. Although the fires usually even delete, you can create a burnt smell on laundry deposits. While the dryer is running, check the dryer external vent at your House to ensure that the air flows freely. If you air forced are not, which probably hindered shaft. Find the Whirlpool Duet - user's Guide for vent cleaning instructions.

Contaminated clothing

The U.S. consumer product safety Commission recommends the use of care when drying clothes, which has contaminated by hazardous chemicals such as cooking, solvents, oils, gasoline, and colors. These elements in your Whirlpool Duet to a medium to high heat setting dryer can dry Kindle a fire in the dryer or the cause to scorch polluted areas, smell burnt. Wash soiled clothing more than once, to eliminate as much of the chemical as possible. Set the dryer on the lowest setting possible heat, and leave you not in the dryer after the end of the cycle clothing.

Odor removal

Once your Whirlpool Duet dryer a burnt smell has, you need to eliminate or the fragrance will load to any laundry service, and you dry. Set several clean, damp towels in the dryer, and then run a typical drying cycle. Repeat the process until the smell is gone. Washing of clothes, it from the burnt smell to free, and hang them to dry until you can remove the smell from your dryer.

ReferencesUS consumer product safety Commission: overheated clothes dryers can cause of FiresConsumerAffairs: Tips for the prevention of dryer FiresRepair Clinic: dryer TroubleshootingThe virtual appliance repair help: dryer smells like something is BurningRepair 2000: clothes dryer repair HelpResourcesWhirlpool: timetable service spa: manuals and LiteratureRead on:

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Decorate as you look like the 1900's

Furniture made of dark wood with straight lines was popular in the 1900s.

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Home styles in the 1900s fell into four main categories. Many houses still retain the Victorian decor of the previous century, while many newer homes were built and decorated with modern prefabricated furniture and style. Arts and Crafts movement, bungalow, and mission-style accommodation and the origins of modern American architecture all shared similar themes and started in the 1900s. Whether you decorate an ancient House and want to keep your home decor style or just looking for an aesthetic 1900s, there are certain things that your House will give the right look.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedNeutral toned colors or WallpaperVintage wooden FurniturePianoLampsIron BedframesWash pool and WashstandFireplace ScreensSuggest Edits1

Select a specific of the 1900's. If you more elaborate decor dear or a House, the 1900s older than decoration, are Victorian institution the best choice. More modern mission style is better suited for a bungalow, arts and crafts, or mission-style home.


Visit antique shops and online furniture dealer for examples of furniture from the 1900's. If your budget allows it, you buy cabinets and chairs authentic establishment as padded Victorian sofas or Stickley. Modern reproductions and furniture inspired by the 1900's help the look for less get. Look for solid wood pieces with clean lines and simple, but powerful forms.


Room with decorations in the 1900s popular to embellish. Stained glass Windows or lamps, used floral carpets and tiles all decorative similarities in the 1900s. Wallpaper were prints decorated often in muted colours but featured floral designs. Living room of the 1900s were typically a piano; Looking for an antique or a basic wooden support.


Modern amenities with 1900s era without prejudice to cover. Lamps instead of overhead lights and you cover to light switches with wall lights. Use a fireplace, fireplace or a TV show.


Include 1900s set up in the bedroom. In the 1900s, iron bed were as hygienic as wooden bed frames. You use iron or other metal bed frames. Part of the century touch a laundry pedestal sink at the bedside of a further turnaround.

Tips & warnings

You can see movies or shows ideas set in the 1900s for the decoration.

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ReferencesHGTV: GlossaryRom architecture: the early 1900s HomeOld decorate houses: House in the style of GuideResourcesThe in 1900: HousePhoto credit Hemera Technologies/ ImagesRead continue:

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Background create stage

You can create a simple stage backdrop for a convincing performance.

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The key to create a realistic atmosphere in a live stage performance is the stage background. Background also inanimate objects play an important role in the public a total viewing experience. It's pretty easy to stage background create because most are used on a temporary basis and are not on the stage. In many cases, the building of a stage is about as simple as the reorganization or renovation background a room.

Related queries: difficulty: EasyInstructions things you'll NeedBackdropDouble floor TapeCarpetingLinoleumDirt, gravel, or LeavesFurniturePropsAccessoriesSuggest Edits1

Take the upper-left corner of the setting and position it with the upper left part of the wall behind the stage. Add it to the wall with a piece of industrial double tape. The upper-right corner of the backdrop and drag it horizontally over the wall to taught and glue it to the upper right corner of the wall. Smooth out of the body of as a backdrop and glue the bottom corners.


Increase the background so that it does not loose and fall. Apply a small piece of double tape between the background and the wall above every 1 1/2 to 2 metres. Do this step along the top, bottom, and both sides. If you have applied several pieces of the band, you press down each section around to keep the setting for the wall safe.


Accent background with appropriate flooring materials. The nature of the floor that you use is up what kind of background scene create in the first place. For a background kitchen roll-out a piece of vinyl linoleum, which completely covers the floor. Use carpet for a bedroom or living room. If an open air theatre in the background, just you pour dirt, gravel or leaves on the floor of the stage.


Accessories for your background of stage with props. The key to realistic stage background is that add the right props. Place numerous elements and furniture in the background, that match your theme. Add living room such as a couch and Chair of a background or some artificial trees and a picnic Bank for one in the independent scene.

ResourcesCharles H. Stewart: Theatre glossary of scenes and theatre DesignShindigs: background material party cheap: background scene photo credit Adam Taylor / Digital Vision / Getty ImagesRead continue:

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How to set up a super hero costume

Create this costume on the cheap for your little superheroes.

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Dressing up as a superhero is a popular and inspiring way to celebrate Halloween. Batman, Spiderman, Superman and Mr. incredible are all great options for children and adults alike. Some prefabricated costumes cost you upwards of $50, and likely even more as a Halloween last. Make your own costume with clothes in your wardrobe and a bit of tapes. If you do not easily wear bathing suit leggings and a spandex or underwear, wear tight-fitting sweat pants instead. Choose clothing that is the same color, which is the Super Heroes and use tape in contrasting colour. First, a good picture of your find favorite Super Heroes.

Related queries: difficulty: EasyInstructions things you Needham Leggings or sweat PantsSpandex swimsuit or UnderwearTight, long-sleeved ShirtGlovesCotton fabric for cape1/2, 1-inch wide channel or mask of TapeHi-top SocksSuggest Edits1

Put your shirt on a table or other flat surface.


Letters on the front of t-Shirts cut pieces of the band creating the superhero and paste it on the shirt, they overlap a curved letter may create. If a logo is the Super Heroes, overlap you and cut the Ribbon to recreate the shape of the emblem.


Set to the Leggings or sweat pants.


Rely on the t-Shirt and stuck it in his pants.


The socks on and plug the Leggings into them.


Set to the spandex bathing suit or underwear.


Make your Cape. To study the Cape on your superhero. Measure your shoulders, and then double that measurement to determine the width of the Cape. Set how far you want to hang the Cape to your back. Then, you enable an additional 1 to 2 meters, as you will bind it around the neck. Once you have your sorted Cape and then cut, tie it around the neck on a duplicate nodes.

ReferencesCurbly: How to make a superhero CostumePhoto credit JUPITERIMAGES/BananaStock/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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How to Hatch Mime Jr. in "Pokemon"

FoodHomeStyleMoneyFamilyHealthShiftMore This SeasonSimplify the SeasonTailgating HomeArts & EntertainmentEntertainmentMimeHow to Hatch Mime Jr. in "PokĂ©mon"How to Hatch Mime Jr. in "PokĂ©mon"Print this articleMr. Mime, a psychic-type Pokemon that first appeared in the "Pokemon Red" and "Pokemon Blue" games, was thought for years to have no other evolutions or forms. Pre-evolutions, or baby Pokemon, were introduced in later games. Mr. Mime's pre-evolution is a baby Pokemon called Mime Jr. It is difficult to capture a Mime Jr. in the wild, so the best way to get one is by breeding and hatching the resulting egg. To get a Mime Jr. egg, give a Mr. Mime an Odd Incense to hold, then breed it with a Ditto or a female Mr. Mime.

Related Searches:Difficulty:EasyInstructions 1

Obtain an Odd Incense. In "Pokemon Diamond," "Pokemon Pearl" and "Pokemon Platinum," you can find an Odd Incense in the Solaceon Ruins. In "Pokemon HeartGold" and "Pokemon SoulSilver," look for an Odd Incense in Cerulean Cave. In "Pokemon Black" and "Pokemon White," you can buy an Odd Incense for $9,600 from the Driftveil Market.


Catch one male Mr. Mime and one female Mr. Mime. Alternatively, catch one Mr. Mime of either gender and one genderless Ditto.


Give one of the Mr. Mimes, either female or male, the Odd Incense to hold. Take the Mr. Mime pair -- or one Mr. Mime and a Ditto -- to a Pokemon Daycare.


Talk to the daycare owner repeatedly, until you receive an egg from the breeding pair. This may take up to one day.


Walk around with the Mr. Mime egg in your party. After your character takes about 6,600 steps, the egg hatches.

Tips & Warnings

Your egg hatches a bit faster, if you ride your bike everywhere instead of walking. If you have a Pokemon with the Magma Armor or Flame Body ability, every step you take counts as two steps.

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How to Use Makeup for a TV Interview

Take studio lights into consideration when applying your makeup before an interview.

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When you're on the stage of a talk show or on the set of the nightly news, you should look your absolute best. Makeup for television is different from the kind women wear every day -- and for some men, it might be the only type of makeup they will ever wear. When you're applying makeup for television, remember to apply it with a light hand -- no makeup is better than too much makeup.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedFace powderEye shadowEyelinerMascaraLip balmBlushMakeup brushesSuggest Edits1

Apply powder to your entire face. Use powder that matches your skin tone, and make sure to cover the most oily parts -- your nose and forehead -- because the shine will be exacerbated by the lights in the studio. Also, powder will help soak up any sweat caused by the heat of the stage lights. If you are balding, powder your head, too, so it doesn't shine.


Apply lip balm to help keep your lips from drying out under the hot studio lights. Use lipstick or lip gloss that complements your skin tone and attire if you want.


Brush eye shadow across your eyelids. Line the upper and lower lashes with eyeliner, but be sure not to go too heavy on either, and make sure both complement your skin tone and don't overpower your natural features; the point of makeup is to enhance them.


Apply mascara to upper and lower lashes. Some men may want to do this, as well, to help bring out their eyes.


Brush blush or bronzer on your cheeks to make sure you don't look too pale on camera. Studio lights have a tendency to wash your skin out.

Tips & Warnings

Be prepared to do your own makeup in case the studio you're in doesn't have makeup artists on hand. If you're going to be on TV often, consider buying your own professional-grade makeup from lines such as MAC, Smashbox or Studio Gear. If you're unsure of what would work best for you, consult a makeup artist at a department or beauty supply store.

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ReferencesEvan Carmichael: TV Interview Makeup Tips so You'll Look as Good as You SoundMr. Media Training: How to Dress for a Media Interview: MakeupWestwind Communications: TV Interview Makeup TipsPhoto Credit Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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How to Make a Puppet Dragon

Turn a simple lunch bag into a whimsical dragon puppet.

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When making crafts with children, you don't need expensive craft materials to create an exciting activity. For example, instead of buying fancy fabrics and embellishments to create a dragon puppet, use materials found around your house such as brown paper sandwich bags. You and your children can use the paper bag dragon puppets to put on a whimsical puppet show for family and friends.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedPaper sandwich bagGreen washable markerBlack markerGreen construction paperScissorsCraft glueWhite construction paper2 googly eyesSuggest Edits1

Color the outside of a brown paper sandwich bag with a green marker. Add two small dots on the bag's bottom flap using a black marker; position the dots 1/2 inch from the bottom edge of the flap. These will be the dragon's nostrils. Place the bag vertically on the table with the fold facing up.


Cut two 1-inch triangles from green construction paper. These will be the dragon's horns. Glue the triangles on top of the paper bag, above the flap's fold, with craft glue. Allow the glue to dry for 30 minutes.


Cut two 1-inch triangles from white construction paper. These will be the dragon's fangs. Glue the triangles, points facing down, underneath the flap of the bag. Allow the glue to dry for 30 minutes.


Squeeze two pea-sized dollops of craft glue on the top of the flap. Place them 1 inch below the fold and about 2 inches apart. Press a googly eye onto each glue dollop and allow the glue to dry for 30 minutes.


Cut two large 4-inch triangles from green construction paper. Lay the triangles on the table, positioning them so two of their points are touching.


Squeeze craft glue on the area where the triangles touch. Lay the back of the paper bag on top of the glue and triangles. These will be the dragon's wings. Allow the glue to dry for 30 minutes.


Open the sandwich bag and slide your hand up inside the puppet. Your fingers will fit into the flap of the bag, which is the head of the dragon.

Tips & Warnings

Help young children with this craft by cutting out the shapes for them.

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ReferencesEnchanted Learning: Paper Bag PuppetsPhoto Credit Russell Illig/Photodisc/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Create a Black Eye Using Theatrical Makeup

Squinting with the costume black eye adds verisimilitude.

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Makeup, props and costumes help set the stage for a theatrical production. After a dramatic fight scene, one or more of the actors may need a black eye to sell the realism of the fight to the audience. Theatrical makeup can help the actor achieve a realistic injury. A genuine black eye, or ecchymosis, occurs when trauma to the face causes bruising and swelling around the eye. Reproducing swelling accurately requires theatrical appliances, but for quick stage makeup or a costume you plan to wear for hours, you can mimic the look of swollen, bruised eyes with cosmetics.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedMirrorPlum theatrical makeupRed theatrical makeupOlive green theatrical makeupPale yellow theatrical makeupMakeup spongeTranslucent powderSuggest Edits1

Set your fist gently against the eye that you intend to blacken with theatrical makeup. A real fist will give you accurate references for the impact points -- the parts of your underlying bone structure that would take the force of a hit to the face. Note where your hand touches.


Sweep a layer of plum theatrical makeup under your eye with your fingertip. Work from the inner corner to the outer corner; this will leave the thickest application near the inner edge of your eye and gradually fade the makeup out toward the outer corner. Keep the makeup above the rim of your cheekbone where the tissue is soft.


Touch up areas that need more plum makeup with the edge of your finger. The heat of your finger will melt the oily theatrical makeup and blend it into your skin as you apply it, so continue building the plum makeup until you achieve a bruiselike color at your inner eyelid.


Work the dark plum makeup into the outer corner of the crease of your upper eyelid. A real black eye causes bruising of the soft tissues on both your upper and lower lids, so blend the makeup onto your upper lid below the crease.


Apply red makeup to the outer corner of your eye, and pat it with a fingertip to blend it. The red makeup enhances the illusion of swollen, angry skin. Touches of red should be subtle and blend with the purple bruise hue you've applied around your eye.


Pat olive green theatrical makeup lightly around the edges of the false bruising to give the illusion of a black eye that's beginning to fade. If you had a real black eye, your skin would take on greenish and yellowish tones where the bruising was about to disappear, and that's what you'd mimic with the green theatrical makeup. Skip this step if you want a fresher-looking black eye.


Apply yellow makeup to the impact points around your eye where the bone is most prominent. For most faces, those points are the outer brow bone, the upper cheekbone and the bridge of the nose. The pale hue of the makeup also gives the illusion of swelling in those areas.


Dampen a makeup sponge, and pat the makeup to blend it thoroughly where two colors meet. Leave a fairly sharp line of demarcation under your eye between the unbruised skin of your cheek and the thin, delicate skin of your eye socket. Real black eyes usually exhibit a sharp delineation between undereye bruising in the socket and the healthy tissue of the cheek.


Dust the makeup with a light coating of translucent powder to set it in place and reduce shine.

Tips & Warnings

Choose makeup colors that resemble the color your skin turns when you bruise.

Darker skin tones may need a more-brownish plum, while lighter complexions may look more-realistically bruised with a reddish plum hue.

If your black eye doesn't look sufficiently dark after you've applied powder, add more plum makeup and powder until you're satisfied with the color.

Add abrasions with the red makeup if the fictitious wound is fresh.

Avoid getting theatrical makeup in your eyes. The greasy cosmetics can irritate your eyes or form a blurry film until your tear ducts wash the surface of your eye.

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ReferencesChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia: Bruising or Black Eye (Ecchymosis)FX Warehouse Inc.: Create a Fresh Black Eye with MakeupPhoto Credit Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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How to Make a Back for a Stage

Bring your play to life with a beautifully painted backdrop.

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The backdrop is an essential component of the stage, as it allows you to create the scenery needed for the play. Professional theaters often use elaborate backdrops made with expensive materials and fabrics. Building your backdrop's supporting structure out of PVC pipe will allow you to save money, without sacrificing the quality of your production. Instead of using silk or velvet, you can cover your backdrop frame with seamless paper. This will allow you to easily change the scenery of your play, using various painted landscapes and designs.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately ChallengingInstructions Things You'll Need10 8-foot pieces of PVC2 four-way PVC fittings2 five-way PVC fittings8 1-foot pieces of PVC2 PVC elbow fittings2 PVC T-jointsSeamless paper -- available at craft and party supply storesDuct tapeSuggest Edits1

Place one 8-foot piece of PVC pipe onto the floor in a horizontal position. Insert the left end of the PVC into a four-way fitting.


Insert the right end of the PVC pipe into a five-way fitting. Lower an 8-foot piece of PVC into the four-way fitting, in a vertical position. Insert a 1-foot PVC pipe into the two remaining holes of the four-way fitting, to create legs for your backdrop.


Place a J-shaped elbow fitting atop the vertical piece of PVC pipe. Lower an 8-foot piece of PVC into the five-way fitting, in a vertical position. Place a T-joint atop the second piece of vertical PVC.


Connect the elbow fitting and T-joint with an 8-foot piece of PVC. Insert a 1-foot piece of PVC into the opposing ends of the five-way fitting, to create a second set of legs for your backdrop. Place an 8-foot piece of PVC onto the floor, in a horizontal position.


Slide the left end of the PVC pipe into the remaining hole of the five-way fitting. Place a five-way fitting onto the right side of the PVC pipe. Lower an 8-foot piece of PVC into the five-way fitting, in a vertical position.


Place a T-joint atop the piece of vertical PVC. Connect the two T-joints with a piece of 8-foot PVC. Insert a 1-foot piece of PVC into the opposing ends of the five-way fitting, to create a third pair of legs for your backdrop.


Insert an 8-foot piece of PVC into the remaining hole of the five-way fitting, in a horizontal position. Place your last four-way fitting onto the right side of the PVC. Lower an 8-foot piece of PVC into the four-way fitting, in a vertical position.


Place an elbow fitting atop the vertical piece of PVC. Connect the T-joint and elbow fitting with your last piece of 8-foot PVC. Insert your last two pieces of 1-foot PVC into the opposing ends of the four-way fitting, to create a fourth pair of legs for your backdrop.


Wrap a large sheet of seamless paper around the skeletal structure of your backdrop. Secure the paper in place with numerous pieces of duct tape. Draw landscapes and designs onto the paper to complete your stage backdrop, if only one is needed for your production. If more than one backdrop is needed, paint each one on a separate sheet of seamless paper, and change them as needed during the play.

ReferencesShin Digz: Background Materials, Stage Backdrops, Background PaperBarlow and Associates: Stage TypesCharles H Stewart: Theater Glossary of Backdrops and Scenic DesignResourcesHarvard: Set Design: Student Technical Theatre HandbookArts Work: Stage DesignYale: Design: Yale School of DramaPhoto Credit Adam Taylor/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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Makeup Tips to Hide Jowls and the Neckline When on the Stage

Print this articleStage makeup has a variety of uses when applied to theater. It's useful when concealing problem areas on an actor's face and also when adding problem areas to an actor's face to make him appear older or more sinister. If you want to conceal the actor's jowls and neckline area, use basic makeup, but heavily apply it, since the actor will be on stage.

Related Searches: Soap and Face Cleanser

Remove any makeup that you have on. Apply water to your face, followed by soap or face cleanser, then remove it with more water. If you're not wearing street makeup, you should still wash your face with these items, as they clean the face to prepare for stage makeup application.


After the face is clean, apply foundation to the jowl and neckline area. Since you're trying to cover up these areas, make sure that the foundation is the same color as the actor you apply it to. If you don't have the correct color, mix the colors you have until you get the right tone.

Liquid Highlighter

You can hide the jowls by applying liquid highlighter to your jowl lines with a concealer brush. Some liquid highlighters also come in a pen-like applicator, allowing for simpler use. This product will make the lines less deep and create a smoother appearance.

Fluid Concealer

Fluid concealer can also be applied to the problem areas on your jowl and neckline. Since you're applying it for the stage, apply more than the usual amount.

ReferencesMakeupArtistWorld: About Theater MakeupRead Next:

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How to Make a Turning Stage

A rotating stage gives the audience on all sides a view of the action.

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A turning stage is an effective way to give everyone in the audience a view of what is happening. A turning stage can also give the appearance of actors traveling as they walk along the edge of the stage and scenery goes by. Two different sets placed back to back on a turning stage can facilitate a quick scene change as the stage rotates and another scene appears. Build your own turning stage for your production, thereby expanding the capabilities of your old stationary stage.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately ChallengingInstructions Things You'll Need2 metal flanges, 2-inch opening1/4-inch wood screws,1 inch longScrewdriver2-inch-diameter pipe1/2-inch-thick plywoodWood glueSaw3/4-inch screwsStraight-line castorsScrewsLarge eye screwBlack ropeSuggest Edits1

Measure the floor of your existing stage, and determine the center point. For a rectangular stage, extend a diagonal line from each front corner to the back corner on the opposite side of the stage. The lines cross at the center point, which is the pivot point for your rotating stage.


Screw a flange into the floor at the center point. Use a flange that is not threaded inside. Tighten the flange down well, as your entire stage will pivot around this flange. Using 1/4-inch wood screws that are 1 inch long, place the screws in the pre-drilled holes on the flange. Hold the flange in position as you screw the screws through the holes in the flange into the floor.


Cut a 6-inch length of pipe of a diameter that fits into the flange. Push the pipe into the flange. Screw the set screw in the side of the flange down tightly so that the pipe does not move.


Join plywood sheets together to make your rotating stage the size you want it. Though the sheets are square, join them before cutting the circle you will need for your rotating stage. Join 4-by-8-foot sheets together using butt joints with blocks. Butt the edges of the sheets together, and glue them. Cut 6-by-18-inch blocks from plywood, and screw them to the undersides of the joints, using 3/4-inch screws so they won't stick out. Place each block so that it straddles the joint. Space the blocks along the length of the joint, leaving 6 inches between blocks.


Saw a circle out of the joined plywood. This will be the floor of your rotating stage. If the cut intersects a place where you have supported a joint with a block, continue the cut. You will have a partial block support at this point, but it will be strong enough to support your actors, because the next block will be no further than 6 inches away.


Screw a flange that is the same size as the flange on the old stage floor into the center of the rotating platform, using screws that do not penetrate to the other side of the floor. Note that at this point your rotating stage floor is upside down to make it easier for you to work on it.


Screw straight-line castors to the edges of the rotating stage floor. Space them out to support the edges of your rotating stage floor. Place the castors 2 feet apart so that the edge of the stage will be adequately supported.


Add an additional circle of castors halfway between the edge of the platform and the center point. Place these a foot apart to add strength to the platform.


Turn your entire rotating stage platform over, and place the flange on top of the pipe that is secured in the flange in the stage floor. Do not tighten the set screw in the second flange, because you want the flange to rotate around the pipe. The casters are now on the stage floor holding up the edges of your rotating platform.


Attach a black rope to the edge of the rotating platform by screwing a large eye screw into the platform and tying the rope to it. This allows you to pull the rotating platform, making it rotate.

Tips & Warnings

If your rotating platform is very large, add one or two more circles of castors to get the support you need.

Use straight-line castors rather than swiveling castors so that you will be able to easily reverse the direction of rotation of the stage.

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ReferencesProlyte Products: Rotating StageHSTech Stage Design and Technology: Rotating PlatformPrecision Turntables: Rotating FloorsOne Ocean Kayaks: Scarfing Plywood Sheets -- Butt Joint with a BlockPhoto Credit K-King Photography Media Co. Ltd/Lifesize/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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Adding a JPEG Image to a CBR Comic

CBR files turn a collection of JPEG images into a digital comic book.

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The CBR file extension is a special type of compressed file for digital comic book reading devices that converts a series of JPEG images into a readable comic book format. CBR files make it possible for comic book creators to distribute their work digitally without having to spend lengthy periods of time converting their files into a readable interface. Should you forget a page or need to make an addition, a CBR file can be converted back to a compressed file folder, allowing you to recompose the comic whenever necessary.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedFile compression softwareSuggest Edits1

Right-click on the CBR comic and select "rename". If you do not want to completely overwrite the file, make a copy before your rename it.


Replace the .cbr file extension with a .rar or .zip extension to convert the file format. Check your file compression software to see which file extension is compatible.


Unzip the renamed title, using your compression software. Copy and paste the JPEG image into the folder.


Compress the folder back into a .rar or .zip file using your compression software.


Change the file extension of the compressed folder back to .cbr to convert the file. The JPEG will automatically be added into your comic when you open the file with digital comic book software.

Tips & Warnings

This process also works for adding a JPEG file to a .cbz file extension, which is a similar digital comic file type.

Pages will automatically view in alpha-numeric order, so make sure the JPEG you are adding to the file is properly labeled. For example, "Page10.jpg" would come immediately after "Page1.jpg." Instead the file should read "Page01.jpg."

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ReferencesLinux and Friends: How to Convert JPG Images to CBR – Comic Book File FormatResourcesComical - A Comic Reader for Linux, MacOS and WindowsPhoto Credit Michael Loccisano/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Make the Scenery for a Theater Production

A backdrop depicts the setting and mood of a scene.

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Scenographers, set designers and scene painters are a vital part of a theater production, as the scenery brings the setting of the theatrical piece to life. If you are a set designer, an open communication between yourself and the director, as well as you and the scene painters and set dressers, is vital to the success of the scenery.

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Meet with the director. Discuss the show and the nature of individual scenes. These discussions should cover where and when a drop will be used and how it will be painted.


Rent or buy a drop. Whether to rent or buy boils down to how you plan to use the drop in future productions, if at all. If the drop you're painting is very specific to a single show, then it will probably be difficult to use it for other shows. In this case, renting would probably be best option, as it would be cheaper than buying a drop. If, however, the drop pattern is more generic and can hold out for future shows, such as a blue sky with clouds or a green pasture, then buying the drop might be more cost-effective.


Take note of as many details as possible regarding the drop before buying or renting -- such as the specific size and dimensions, type of fabric and the exact schedule of the show. The more thorough you are with these details, the more cost effective the delivery of the drop.


Check the drop for flame retardant properties. Read your state's guidelines on fire retardant requirements. If the drop has little or no flame retardant properties, you might have to add a layer of flame retardant spray after the drop is finished.


Sketch out in pencil the imagery of the backdrop to scale before painting it on. The preliminary sketches can be on paper before it is drawn on the drop. If the sketch is particularly complex, you can draw it on a transparency and use an overhead projector to trace the lines.


Obtain and use paints made especially for theater and drop painting, which you can buy in theater or paint supply stores. Normal hardware store paint will not work, especially if you plan on using more complex wet paint techniques such as marbling.


Refer with your director regularly throughout the planning and painting process. Make sure he is satisfied with the work and take into account any notes of changes or improvements he might have and adjust accordingly.

ReferencesCharles H Stewart: Backdrops and Scenic Design Glossary of TermsSteph Stuff: What is a Scenographer? What is Scenography?Art and Architecture: Stage DesignsStage Directions: Scenic Drop Cabbage PatchPhoto Credit Mike Powell/Lifesize/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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How to Make Fake Fronten von Pappe

Use cardboard fronts to improve your stage performances.

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Cardboard is a versatile material that lends itself well to the creation of false fronts for stage backgrounds. No stage show, is at home completely without a good facade whether for school or for entertaining family and friends. Whether the setting of a Western style is sedan, desert tundra or wall, can box as your canvas and create a scene, which helps your performance more credible look. You can also a cardboard front an imaginative spaces or fairy tale world a games room to create.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedMeasuring TapeCorrugated SheetsUtility KnifeElectrical TapeAcrylic paint2 of 4sWood cardboard glue or hotmelt and a hot-melt GunSuggest Edits1

Measure the area for which you want to create a cardboard front wall or stage. Choose your front should be as high. Let the end determine the height of the front; for example, if the finished front is a Western-style bar, measure you cardboard so it is about 4 feet high. When the front comes on a wall, you make it double, or 8 meters high.


Cut the carton on the length and height, you need the utility knife. Band-cardboard pieces together with electrical tape along all seams.


Paint box front on the object or scene you need covered with acrylic paint. Let dry colour overnight or for 12 hours.


Construct support front-end for the Board, while the paint dries. Cut a 2 by 4 wooden board to adjust the length of cardboard front. Line three additional 2 by 4 wooden boards perpendicular to the ends and middle of longer 2-by-4. The three vertical panels relating to long horizontal by hammering two size D wood nails by the horizontal bar at the end of the three vertical bars.


Section three additional 2-by-4 boards, achieving a diagonal from the ends of the three vertical panels on the back of a painted cardboard front. Beat two size D wood nails by the diagonal of Board their bases, where they meet the vertical boards.


Cut three final 2-by-4 boards and place them vertically between horizontal support and the diagonal support beams. Beat two size D wood nails through the tops of the vertical supports in the diagonal bar. Have help someone turn you support structure on the page, so you two nails through the bottom of the horizontal bar to hammer in the ends of three vertical beams size D wood.


Applies from a hot glue gun to the back of the cardboard the wood glue or hotmelt front, where it meets the wood support structure. Expect that the structure to keep cardboard fronts in place and prevent that they fall over during your performances.

Tips & warnings

If your cardboard front short, such as such as 10 meters or less, build only a vertical and diagonal of support beams in the middle of the horizontal support in contrast to three, which is more suitable for longer box fronts.

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ResourcesWheaton drama: an introduction to the theatrical PropsPhoto credit JUPITERIMAGES/ComStock/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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As you clothes for laundering colourfast

Noncolorfast clothing to the rest of the load laundry stain.

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It is incredibly frustrating, a load of laundry only to find out that an element not colourfast and dye other clothes bled has to wash. A small amount of preparation with a few household products can the dye a washable garment in the middle and make it safe for future washing. Take the time, a garment make true you save much time and effort in the future.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things youll Needham nylon lining BallsVinegarBucketSuggest Edits1

You test the garment for color-fastness, by getting an inside seam wet. Rub the area carefully with a white cotton ball to see whether one of the color transfers. This is the case, remove the garment from the wash load be handled.


Fill a clean bucket with 1 liter of water. 2/3 Cup vinegar and stir thoroughly to mix.


Soak the garment in vinegar solution and leave for 15 minutes before laundering it on its own water soak in it. Dry the item to the highest heat for the material to set the color more allowed.


Again, test the dried piece of clothing with the cotton ball. If there is still evidence of dye, the steps again until the color and you can to wash the item with other clothes.

Tips & warnings

Follow always the water temperatures and money-laundering instructions on a piece of clothing that attempting to set a color.

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ReferencesNorby of the Department store: vinegar helps colors stay ColorfastHow to clean everything: colourfast clothes?Photo credit Creatas/Creatas/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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How to fake bushes

Realistic miniature artificial bushes are hard to find.

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Fake find full-size bushes is a simple matter, because many retailers who carry them. Find fake bushes on a smaller scale can be as pretty complicated, especially if you realistically want to look like the bushes. The task can be even more difficult if the fake bushes to shelf life want to be. Whether you want decoration miniature jacks for a diorama or something a little bigger for a table, the process is similar to, if you make them yourself.

Similar keywords: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things are NeedBranchesTree SnipsFloral WireFloral TapeSandpaperCap, or CanParaffinSandAdhesiveGreen paper or FabricLeaves (optional) hot glue and glue SticksTissue paper (optional) key OilSuggest Edits1

Some nice completely empty branches close end to harvest a large tree limb or sections of the new growth of a large and very mature Bush. Select branches of the little finger decoration and branches less than the circumference of a pencil for diorama only smaller than the circumference for the table-top medium-sized miniatures. Select a branch are the appropriate size of the Bush in your trunk.


Many smaller branches to grafting on to trim in the larger branch. Use branches to five or more smaller branches grow from the end and an inch or more naked space, to integrate it into the larger settlement.


Wrap floral wire to one of the larger branches in your trunk and then wrap the wire around a small branch and on the basis of more establishment Bush space free. Repeat the process until you have many branches extend from your trunk.


You trim branches, so that you have a bushy-looking Assembly of branches with many small branches to populate. Use floral band around the combined branches, extract the wire and make your branches look like to include.


The base of the trunk from flat cut and it sand smooth. Glue of the base in a bottle for a miniature Bush or in a clean tuna can decoration for a table top. Fill the inside of the CAP or can with melted paraffin. Pour fine sand of paraffin and let it cool, overcrowding of sand in the wax. Spray adhesive wax and casting ground more sand on the base. Shake excess. Repeat the process if you can see the paraffin.


Cut sheets in different sizes of paper or a solid green substance. Choose alternative for short-term use, small sheets of a Bush or tree sprouting. Start the smaller branches with the larger leaves and hot glue of each leaf on a branch, fill out the bottom of the Bush after above and from the inside out. Complete the fields, with smaller leaves, make sure that you small leaves at the ends of every twig. Paste smaller sheets to form Bush and at the top of.


If you want your Bush to blossom, draw small colorful tissue paper flowers. Cut flowers and stick them on the outer form of Bush. Fog with fragrant essential oils such as lavender, rose, lemon balm or orange if you'd like your viewers to believe that they can smell the flowers Busch.

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How to see from someone like a bird in after effects

Print this ArticleTo someone looked like a bird in after effects animate components the "Opacity" and "Path" the image of a person and the image of a bird. This effect not as realistic as the 3D see transformations, in big-budget films, but is clear and potentially enjoyable to watch it. This project is based on the animation tools in after effects, which include its Keyframing capabilities. Key frames are the start and frames of an animation sequence. If you define this framework, after effects can be the sequence of other frames.

Related searches: difficulty: ModerateInstructions 1

Click the menu "File" command "Import", then navigate to and double-click on the image of a person you want to look like a bird. After Effects loads photo for you to work with.


On the toolbar icon, click how to formed a rectangle to run the tool "Mask" and you then drag image, about the person received the rectangle around it. Click on the symbol icon shaped as, run the tool "Path", handles dragging a feather pen the rectangle, the rectangle outline of person fit.


Click the menu "File" command "Import", then navigate to and double-click on the image of a bird, in which you change, to the person.


The item "Mask" in the time bar window, then click on the stopwatch icon next to the "path" element, and click on the stopwatch icon next to the label "Opacity". Set keyframes for the mask, which make its shape and transparency can change over the course of the animation for these actions.


Drag the vertical bar in the timeline panel at least 15 frames to the right to the brand "current time" ahead of the animation. Enter "0" in the text box on the right side for the label "Opacity" in the time bar window to indicate that the image in the mask to fade over time, the animation is to be achieved the current frame.


At any point of the mask in the composition window, drag the mask outline to correspond to that change by the bird image.


Drag the bar "Time stamp for the current time" Center 1 rewind of the animation, then create a different mask, which position and form the first mask in this context. Set keyframes for the "Opacity" and "Path" of the second Panel, as the first elements. Also, enter the number on the right side of the "visibility" name for the new mask "0" in the time bar window. This makes the bird invisible at the beginning of the animation.


You drag the brand "current time" on the right side by the same amount it moved the person animating the mask. You use the tool "Pen" to the second mask may refer to: the shape of a bird, like you is the first Panel. Enter "100" in the number in the time bar window of the label "opacity" is located on the right side. This indicates that you the bird picture should be displayed at this point in the animation.


Click on the Preview Panel "Play" button to the image of the person, that change in the bird.

ReferencesAdobe after effects CS5 classroom in a book; Adobe Creative TeamRead on:

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Create stand-up shower

A simple glass block shower is an easy way to update your bathroom without spending a fortune.

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Because of high costs often associated with bad features can house and apartment owners independently address them projects on their own can. Creating a stand-up shower is not a simple project, but with the right materials and preparation, it is possible for the average homeowner it completed successfully. The key to building a stand-up shower is your design and optimized to keep and an easy-to-work-with material such as glass block select.

Related queries: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things you'll NeedRaised square shower PanReciprocating SawConstruction AdhesiveFine-grain of SandpaperDamp ClothGlass block MortarDrill of powered MixerColored tape (optional) small TrowelGlass block level rubber MalletMortar BagSuggest Edits1

Prepare the area in which you your stand-up shower through the installation of an elevated place shower pan, one currently in place does not want to install. Positioning the shower pan of the drain pipe, whether the pipe must be in order for the Pan flat sitting be trimmed. If it detaches the tube with a reciprocating saw, then the bottom of the Pan shower coat and the cement board inferior in the bathroom floor with construction adhesive. Press the Pan shower set is locked.


Napping on the surface of the elevated shower Pan edge with fine grain sandpaper to accept it, to prepare the mortar. Sand just enough to remove the glossy coating on the Pan shower then wipe off the dust with a damp cloth.


Mix a batch of glass block mortar in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, stir it with a drill to remove powered mixer for all lumps. White mortar is most often used to create glass showers, but you can a different color.


The part of the shower pan, to enter and leave the shower open to allow as a means to measure. Select the opening on the Pan shower with two pieces of colored tape.


A 1/2-inch layer of mortar on the shower Pan spread edge. You start in the corner closest to the wall-if your shower pan in a Ecke--has been installed and put up with a small trowel mortar. Make sure the space between the two colored tape, clean leave.


Press your first glass blocks left in the mortar near the corner of 1/2-inch space between the block and the wall. Set additional blocks in accordance with the first press it gently in the mortar and about 1/2-inch space between each block leave. Balance between the peaks of adjacent pairs of blocks to ensure that all of them are installed in the same amount.


Install glass block with a final end when you reach the edge of the shower opening. These blocks give your shower more open finished. If you later want to install a shower door, enough standard glass blocks in the vicinity of the opening.


Still, continued the mortar and place the glass blocks, until you have completed the first line on both sides of the shower opening. Check the blocks with your level, and fits you needs by tapping blocks in the mortar with a rubber mallet to.


Fill bag mortar with mortar, and press the mortar in the spaces in between the glass blocks and the column of blocks closest to the wall and the wall itself. When finished, a 1/2-inch layer of mortar above on the first line of the blocks, and install a second series of blocks directly at the beginning of the first line.


Their walls shower by installing additional rows of blocks divided by 1/2-inch thick layers of mortar building. When you reach the last row your stand-up shower, install you end up at the top of a series of blocks with finished.


Go over the entire surface of the shower with the mortar bag, fill gaps that you might have missed. When finished, all excess mortar wipe, then dry the mortar 72 hours before using your new stand-up shower can be with a damp cloth.

Tips & warnings

It is possible to build stand-up showers with curved glass blocks, but standard 4-by 4-inch or 6-by 6-inch square blocks are the simplest to use. If you sprinkle coloured or glass blocks to the clear one Matt your shower to dramatic effect.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Change the Typing Ball on a Selectric 3

Some Selectric III typewriters are still used today.The first Selectric typewriters were introduced in 1961 and featured an impressive innovation for the time. The golf-ball sized "type head" -- as IBM refers to it -- moves from left to right across the page and pivots to produce the selecte...

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How to make clothes for your Plushie

Create clothing for your Plushie with an old T-shirt.

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Plushie dolls come in all shapes and sizes, even those that you yourself make. Plushie create clothing for your is not an exact science, as two plushies are rarely identical. Fit to clothing, you must use your doll as a guide. With your Plushie body such as a makeshift women's bust will ensure that you make the clothes fit properly.

Similar searches: difficulty: EasyInstructions things youll Home Jersey T ShirtScissorsNeedleThreadElasticEmbellishmentsSuggest Edits1

Cut a square of Jersey fabric big enough to the upper part of your Plushie loosely wrap around. Wrap the fabric around your doll body. Hold together the two edges and create a seam along the edge sewing. Sew a straight, running stitch, pressing the PIN in two layers of fabric and out again. Be the garment at the end, unable, or not too close to your body sewing dolls.


You set the seam at the center of your Plushie back created. Using a piece of duct tape to keep the garment in position. Cut small circular shape in both arms to simulate an Armhole. Fold the fabric off 8-inch, to create a seam line. Attaching to reduce you along this line to the fabric.


Cut a part of the fabric with any form you like. Beginners should use a circle around the neck, because square cut-outs are more difficult. Fold the fabric around the neck of your Plushie way one-eighth inch and create a seam like you among the poor.


Make wide a strip of cloth one-quarter inch two belts of the Jersey by cutting. Stretch the fabric strip itself until it rolls along the edges. Cut the Strip in the middle and use these two pieces as shoulder straps for the t-shirt. Add evenly on each shoulder and tie it around the neck.


Cut a piece of Jersey fabric 2 inches larger than the size of your Plushie from body. You set the end faces of the fabric and sew along the edge. The rock on your doll and close to the top create slides a bunch. Sew with a straight stitch along this edge.


A piece of rubber to measure your Plushie doll. You Sew elastic to the Confederation of rock, stretch sew elastic in one hand, how to use the other. The bottom of skirt hem. Remove the clothing, turn it off right, and embellish it with tissue color, miniature Eisen-Ons or Schaltflächen.

Tips & warnings

Jersey fabric is very to award and will be stretched to include minor bugs.

Turn the rock in shorts by stitching a head V-shape in the area of step and remove the excess tissue.

Add sleeves to your gown by a strip of fabric cut and sew along the belt and the Armhole.

You use old T-shirts, dresses for your Plushie practice.

Do see in magazines and try to imitate the lines in the clothes you see.

Sew not too tight on the Plushie; You can sew the clothes, the doll body accidentally.

Pull the thread not too tight as you SEW; It will shrink the tissue.

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As a puppet stage for Biblical times

The puppet stage is usually an opening in which the puppets appear proscenium.

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Many ministries have taken the art of puppetry as part of the range for children and adults alike. Puppet stages very portable and used many stories tell be. When used in the first place for Bible stories, Ministers can decorate the stage with biblical motives and a basic, Adaptive background the puppet. Attaching durable cloth on a section of wood or plastic provides a curtain-like setting that sets the scene. The cloth can create decorations much versatility as it is simple, things create the cloth to various looks temporarily attach.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things you'll NeedClothPinsPaintSet PiecesSignSuggest Edits1

Choose a color scheme. Choose neutral colors which allows you to scenes, as well as those with lush vegetation, more create desert. Identify secondary colors to help you create interior scenes such as throne room, the Interior of tents and Temple rooms.


Set the stage with a cloth. Cut you the neutral-colored cloth large enough, so that it stage structure covers the puppet and is loose enough that you different characters and set pieces on it for each story PIN or can show. Add a cloth with color across the top of the structure for holiday shows such as purple red at Christmas or Easter.


Recording you represent the set of the ancient landscape. You are the painted device behind the puppet map proscenium or opening for the dolls to move. Alternatively, projecting scenes on the proscenium and track them or enlarge you pictures and print you set out.


Select set pieces, the setting up of the biblical time and place. Match set pieces of history such as such as a crib for the Christmas story, the Ark of the Treaty and walls for the story of Joshua in Jericho or a tree-lined road to the story of Zaccheus and the Sycamore. You place these set pieces on the stage puppet, make sure that they are proportional to the dolls. Select to clog the small room for the dolls representative pieces.


Draw a character with old-style lettering and a biblical motif. Mount the characters above onstage puppet.

ReferencesScruffy plume: Marionette puppet StageSchool of the project: as a puppet of StagePuppet to: puppet TheatreResourcesThe PuppetMaster home page: PuppetryPuppet resources: link Center for puppetry Arts: Home photo credit JUPITERIMAGES/ComStock/Getty ImagesRead continue:

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Damages to Copper Piping Caused by Salt Systems for Swimming Pools

Copper pipes corrode quickly from acidic water.Salt water pool systems offer conveniences for homeowners. They eliminate the discomfort associated with normal chlorination systems and they are easy to maintain. But one of the biggest grievances of salt water systems, as expressed by homeowners, i...

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How to make a fake UFO for Halloween

Make a UFO to spice up your Halloween decorations.

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Halloween is a holiday to dress up as any other person or character, eating sweets and, of course, orange and black with Jack-o-lanterns or skeletons decorate. Added to your Halloween decorations to decorate for a party or to your garden flavor a unidentified flying object or UFO. If you crafty, or are a little cash, you make your own UFO with common household materials, the does not cost much money or take a long time.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things youll Needham paper plate Scotch tape dome-shaped ContainerPaint, markers or CrayonsSuggest Edits1

Put a plate of paper on a table, and set a different plate up to him on the head with the edges lined up.


Glue the edges with tape. Use enough tape to the Interior completely closed to keep taping at regular intervals along the edges.


Turn your dome-shaped container, such as a clear plastic bowl or dish, on disks and tape it down.


Color or color the UFO as desired. Make designs on them, or draw a basic flat color such as black.

Tips & warnings

Solve your UFO like a frisbee, or use a string hanging from the ceiling.

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How to make columns for a theater room

Columns can be made easily, fit to your facility.

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A column is a strong, dramatic architectural feature. Most of the houses are in size and scale for columns looking too modest. Most of you may receive a small column at the entrance to a dining room. The exception to this rule is in a theater room. A media room is to dramatic, theatre and powerful. Columns are added to, a feeling which create target and sometimes the stitching the fabric hide wall panels covered. Often a half to save column to add drama and space is. Columns is surprisingly easy and not too expensive.

Similar keywords: difficulty: moderate EasyInstructions things youll home tape MeasureConcrete form tube utility knife2 by 4-inch WoodTable SawNail GunColumn RingColumn CappersConstruction AdhesiveScrewsScrewdriverWood ShimsSuggest Edits1

Measure the height of the ceiling. The size of the column Aheadcap and lower base, plus 1/4 inch pull off. Cut a cardboard form to this measurement. The forms are large cardboard tubes traditionally as forms for pouring concrete. They are sold in different sizes with different diameter; Select the desired size, taking into account the height of your basement, and the fact the one 2 of 4 in must fit. The forms are cost-effective and easy to cut with a utility knife.


Cut a 2-by 4-inch Board at the height of the form box. Centre the Board inside the tube. Measure the diameter of the form box.


Remove the card from the tube. Adjust cutting three small pieces for a different board inside the tube. Place a small boards on the ground horizontally and line at the bottom of the big Board. Fasten the planks together with two nails. Nail a second small card even with the top of the big 2-by 4. Nail on third Board horizontally across the middle of the big Board. The small cards have an internal structure for the box column, by you a way to the annexes to the base and Cap.


Place your column based on the place where you want to install the column. Improvement stores are sold at home column bases. It looks like a square block of wood with a circular ring around the top cut. It consists of wood or foam products.


Push the wood frame, which you previously in the cardboard column created. Are based on the column and Center it. Slide the carton to the above a few inches. Screw the bottom wood-block in the base column. Space your screws 3 inches apart. Using deck screws wood long.


Place a column ring over the top of the column. A column-ring is a wood or foam product sold at home improvement stores. The ring gap at the top of the column to hide the installation.


Place the column GAP from the ceiling directly above the column. Column caps are wood or foam products, that the above should look in the column. Many species are trim sold at home improvement stores in the section. You should have a 1/4 inch gap between the top edge of the box column and the column allow you to CAP, have to do this.


Lower the cap on the top of the column and tend the edges so that construction adhesive on the top of the CAP you can apply. Lift the CAP, which have centered on the column CAP and then press the adhesive into the ceiling.


Set wood shims between the top of the column of wooden frame and the bottom of the CAP until that is pressed Cap tightly on the ceiling by the pressure of the wood of shim. Slide the column ring to the top of the gap. The inner surface of the ring you apply glue and press the ring in position. You there with finish adding nails by the face of the ring.

Tips & warnings

Decorative columns are not designed to support weight. The column may further to which with nails through the carton in blocking finish wood support be added. Fill, prime and paint the column material for sealing, to hide inconsistencies. You can use also PVC products installed in a similar way.

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