Friday, December 9, 2011

How to build a light background on a stage for children

Light background cut to look like leaves add depth to a stage.

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Foam is core the best material for building easily staging children's performances. You can find it in most offices or art supply stores. Alternatively, you could special order large 8 by 10-foot leaves if your local suppliers of this size Creative Commons does not. The material cuts easily and accepts color as well as poster board. This light is less stable than wood, so you talk to children about his carefully close the background perform.

Related searches: difficulty: ModerateInstructions things you'll NeedFoam core BoardPencilAcrylic PaintsPaintbrushesMat KnifeMeasuring tape2 by 6-inch LumberCircular sawDrill1/8-inch drill of bit Phillips screwdriver head bit1/4-inch washers1 cm wood screws1/2-inch drill BitWood glue1/2-inch diameter dowels2-inch of width gaffer's tapeSandbags3-inch screws (optional) make Edits1

Layout your substrate foam on the ground and outline the contours of the landscape, that you want such as buildings or shrubs. If your landscape occupies several sheets of foam core, they put one another so that you can constantly sketching, but together bring not the foam core at this point.


Its landscape as wished to paint with acrylic paints. Keep as possible to prevent the distorting foam backing material your colors and brushes so dry. Bright primary colors work best for children theatre productions.


Enable the boards dry completely when the you lie flat on the ground. This minimizes also forgiven.


Along at the top of the area with a mat remove cutting knife cutter or utility knife, any foam core, you do not want. For example, if your picturesque scenery consists of buildings, you cut the shapes of the buildings create a skyline. Shrubs and trees are cut to the foliage the background of an irregular shape that is less disruptive as the slanted head.


The number of foam core boards that you draw.


Select your 2-by 6 inch lumber in 1-foot segments and you use a circular saw, cut two 1-foot segments for each painted foam core. Have cards more than 6 meters long, cut instead of three pieces of plywood by two for these parts.


Their first piece of foam core upright and place at each end, a plywood segment along the back parallel to your foam core. Plywood set, so that thinner edge along the foam core is located. The wider face should lie along the ground.


Drill a hole through the foam core and into the plywood from the front with a 1/8-inch drill. Put a metal washing machine before this hole and take a 1-inch wood screw through the foam core, to secure something to the wood with Phillips head driver.


To secure drilling and two screws and washers of the plywood segment. The washers help who heads by dragging foam backing material in place without the screw.


Repeat the operation for all your landscape to each piece has at least two wooden "feet" on the back.


Drill a 1/2-inch hole about 3/4 inch deep in the forest "Foot" behind all parts of the landscape of 4 metres. The hole should be separate as close as possible the edge of the wood on the foam core without.


Put a dollop wood glue into the hole, and put a 1/2-inch diameter wooden dowel into the hole a vertical support form for your landscape.


Add as many plugs needed set pieces greater support. Band of the plugs on the back of the foam core with gaffer's tape or screws you the foam core in the plugs from the front, 1/2 inch wood screws with.


DAB paint on your screw heads and washers they harmoniously in your scenic painting.


Set the landscape piece along the desired place for the performance stage.


Put sandbags or stage weights on each "foot", to keep the landscape position. If your stage allows, you can screw the feet on the ground with 3-inch screws instead of weights.

Tips & warnings

Call your local fire marshal to find out, whether you flame-your foam substrate must handle for fire protection. Acrylic flame-retardant properties add to the landscape, but requirements vary depending on the location and placement of foam core Board on the stage. If necessary, flame retardant fluid from a theatrical supply store purchase your landscape with it in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer's coat.

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Photo credit Adam Taylor / Digital Vision / Getty ImagesRead continue:

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